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pretty fun but here's some constructive criticism:

the music is cool but I can't hear anything past the first 30s of it when it restarts every time I spawn.

judging from the fast movement speeds, you're trying to make a game that is fun to play really quickly but with the current physics being quite slippery, it can feel like you're not in control of your character. you might want to look into input buffering (or jump forgiveness as it's sometimes called) and I would highly reccomend this video.

other than that though, good start. 

the real trick now is to keep at it. don't worry if you feel like everything you make is crap, the real masters have made a hundred crap projects and they still probably think their masterpieces are garbage lol.

Thank you very much for the kind comment!

I haven't encountered the problem with the music so I would appreciate it if you could share some more details.

I just watched the video and decided to add a jump buffer, I updated the game but I haven't added much yet, just some moving enemies.

I am planning to fix jumping, fix the loss of previous level's gems after each reset, add enemies and add a losing screen on the next update.(in 2 days perhaps)

Thank you  for the criticism and sharing the video as I learnt more things about game designing!

while playing the web based version of the game, the background music restarts when you die and respawn.